Data visualization of 'Why That Color?' exercise results

1 Lita Bofill Bosch
2 Karol Cybulski
3 Bertrand Glosset
4 Edmond Laccon
5 Luciana Larrea
6 Aleksandar Maćašev
7 Alfonso Merino
8 Benjamin Packer
9 Bela Pesics
10 Inga Sagrodnik
11 Sarah Salzmann
12 Nico Swartz

What is your national color?

Color of your hometown.

Color of your family.

Color of your skin.

Pick red.

Pick blue.

Pick yellow.

Pick green.

Pick orange.

Pick purple.

You would feel really good in what color T-shirt?

In what color do you see your own gender?

If you were a brand what color would you be?

Pick Coca-Cola red.

Color of sunset.

Color of Sunday.

Color of physical pain.

What color relaxes you?

What is the color of a triangle?

Color of a square.

Color of a circle.

What color would you use with brown?

What color would you use with blue?

Color of the smell of gasoline?

If you were in a sports team what color jersey would you pick?

Color you really don't like.

Pick a color you remember well from your childhood.

Color of nostalgia.

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