For the Chromapost Social Network go to
Chromapost (formerly known as ChromaTweet) is an ongoing nano-blogging project where each post consists of a single color tone. The daily moods, feelings, and experiences are compressed into one piece of information: color.
One chromapost per day, every day.
No white (FFFFFF) or black (000000).
The title of every post is the hexadecimal code of the color.
The first Chromapost: 1 April 2009
Chromapost outgrowths include art, sound, data visualization, writings about color and various byproducts.
28 March 2018
Eight Piano Days
An audio-visual piece that translates eight 'Piano Day' chromaposts into music.
15 October 2017
Chroma Applets
Byproducts of programming experiments for Chromapost.
Sound applications and color games.
10 February 2017
Chromapost Outgrowths 2015-2017
PDF catalog of Chromapost Outgrowths. 78 pages, 5.8 MB
7 December 2016
Chromapost Sound
Translating chromaposts into music.
21 November 2016
Chromapost Liquitex Translations
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with a custom set of Liquitex Basic acrylic paints.
7 November 2016
Becoming a Design Entrepreneur
Chromapost feature in the newbook about design entreprenurship by Steven Heller and Lita Talarico.
18 June 2016
Chromapost Translations 2
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with various media with limited sets of colors.
9 June 2016
"Why That Color?" for UP.GRADE
‘Why That Color?’ is series of lectures about color as a cultural phenomenon. (What affects our color perception and how?)
UP.GRADE is postgraduate program of Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin.
31 May 2016
Chromapost feature in Novum Magazine 06.16
17 May 2016
Chromapost Pigments
14 April 2016
Chromapost Books
15 March 2016
Interview for The Chromologist
5 March 2016
Chromapost Translations
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with various media with limited sets of colors.
1 January 2016
Chromapost Year 2015
22 December 2015
Chromapost October 2015 [Transitions]
Transitions between days/colors of October 2015
Oil pastel on paper
31" x 25"
1 October 2015
Chroma Tarot
Each card from Chroma Tarot is one color.
The symbology of every card from the Major Arcana suit (22 cards) is derived from various Tarot traditions and sources and then summarized into a single color.
29 September 2015
Chromapost 2 Dec 2013 - 5 Jan 2014
5 September 2015
Chromapost [3 September - 7 October 2013] Leftovers
Six pieces made of the leftover paint from
Chromapost [3 September - 7 October, 2013] painting.
27 June 2015
Chromapost at Mapping Knowledge EXPO
"6 Years of Chromapost, Hue Distribution" is featured at Mapping Knowledge exhibition (Mundaneum in Mons, Belgium).
24 May 2015
Chromapost [3 September - 7 October, 2013]
Painting, 40" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
1 April 2015
Chromapost has turned six
Six Years of Chromapost Calendar.
All chromaposts since the begining, 1 April 2009. 2191 days.
Download poster
12 March 2015
Chromapost Social Network is now open to the public
1 January 2015
Chromapost Year 2014
14 October 2014
Chromapost feature in
'Infographics Designers' Sketchbooks'
By Steven Heller and Rick Landers
Princeton Architectural Press, 2014.
7 September 2014
Why That Color? Why Not?
Podcast interview with Aleksandar Maćašev about color and Chromapost by Tom Parish.
12 May 2014
Chromapost feature in Print Magazine
Conceive. Make. Sell (8 design entrepreneurs)
by Steven Heller and Lita Talarico
Print Magazine, June 2014. The Innovation Issue.
28 April 2014
Chromapost December 2013 Painting
30/40 in
Acrylic on canvas
4 April 2014
'Why That Color?' Blog
Chromapost examines influences on our color perception through a series of articles for Munsell Color Blog.
1 April 2014
Chromapost New Year!
COLOR = DATA: a series of data visualizations of the previous five years of Chromapost.
(1 April 2009 - 31 March 2014, 1826 colors/days)
1 December 2013
Chromapost Messenger Bag Prints, Edition B
40 digital prints that accompany each of the 2nd edition Chromapost Messenger Bags.
14 November 2013
Chromapost Passages (June 2011 / August 2012)
20 September 2013
Chromapost Messenger Bag, opening reception
Saturday, 28 September 2013, 2-5 PM.
Brooklyn Industries store in DUMBO.
70 Front Street, Brooklyn.
18 September 2013
Chromapost Messenger Bag
Chromapost Messenger Bags by Brooklyn Industries made of vinyl from the Chromapost Dumbo installation.
16 September 2013
Chromapost Messenger Bag Prints, Edition A
40 digital prints that accompany each of the 1st edition Chromapost Messenger Bags.
3 September 2013
Chromapost 3 September 2013
Collaborative Chromapost artwork on the spot.
Chromapost Sessions, Act IV.
23 August - 3 September 2013
Chromapost Sessions at Mikser House in Belgrade
Lectures, presentation, slide projections, poster and a collaborative artwork on the spot.
5 May 2013
Chromapost August 2012 painting
2 April 2013
4 Year Anniversary Poster
Four years (1461 colors) in one poster.
1 April 2009 - 31 March 2013.
18 September 2012
ChromaTweet > Chromapost
The ChromaTweet project has changed its name to Chromapost.
Some older parts of the project will still be called ChromaTweet, while everything related to the project in the future will be called Chromapost.
9 July 2012
ArtBridge WALK: ChromaTweet
Artist's guided tour of the ChromaTweet Print in Dumbo, NYC.
Saturday, July 21, 12-1 PM
Register here:
Organized by: ArtBridge
8 July 2012
ChromaTweet Social Network
Chromapost Social Network based on the ChromaTweet artwork is launched in its testing stage. Join us!
26 April 2012
'Chromatweet June 2011' painting
at the first annual ArtBridge Spring auction
Friday, May 4th, from 6-9pm at the HighLine Loft in the Chelsea Gallery District.
ChromaTweet June 2011 painting >
1 March 2012
'Chromatweet: Can You Feel Color Now?
interview for Tones, Pantone® newsletter
6 March 2012
Armory Arts Week, NYC, 2012
WALK yourself! ChromaTweet Daily from Dawn to Dusk.
ChromaTweet print in DUMBO as a part of 'Walk Artbridge' during the Armory Arts Week 2012.
'Grab your friends and tour the colorful emotional landscape of this unorthodox and creative New York City-based artist.'
ChromaTweet print amongst the highlights of the Huffington Post's Armory Arts Week preview.
23 September 2011
ChromaTweet Outdoor Print in Dumbo
Two years worth of ChromaTweets (1 April 2009 - 31 March 2011) have received a 100 meter printed outdoor treatment in Dumbo, Brooklyn, as a part of the Dumbo Arts Festival 2011.
Location of the artwork:
Water street, between Old Dock St and Main St.
Presented by ArtBridge
1 April 2018 9 Years of Chromapost
Map of nine years of Chromapost by dates.
28 March 2018 Eight Piano Days
An audio-visual piece that translates eight 'Piano Day' chromaposts into music.
2 January 2018 Retrospective 2017 Chromapost Calendar
15 October 2017 Chroma Applets
Byproducts of programming experiments for Chromapost.
Sound applications and color games.
14 June 2017 Chromapost Sound 2
Java desktop applet that translates color into sound.
play a sequence of 40 chromaposts (120 tones) in chronological order.
1 April 2017 8 Years of Chromapost
Each color field is a 5 x 5 grid, while each color is approximated with a combination of eight color values.
23 March 2017 Chromapost Translations 3
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with various media with limited sets of colors.
10 January 2017 Retrospective 2016 Chromapost Calendar
Retrospective 2016 Chromapost calendar with three-step transitions between days.
7 December 2016 Chromapost Sound
Desktop Java applet that translates color into sound.
The translation is based on converting red, green and blue color values (0 - 255 each) to MIDI values (21 - 108).
21 November 2016 Liquitex Translations
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with a custom set of Liquitex Basic acrylic paints.
RGB values are approximated with 24 colors.
18 June 2016 Chromapost Translations 2
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with various media with limited sets of colors.
9 June 2016 "Why That Color?" for UP.GRADE
Chromapost exercises from ‘Why That Color?’ lectures, created for the UP.GRADE, a postgraduate program of Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin. Students were asked to answer 28 questions with a single RGB color.
Data visualization of the answers 2015
Data visualization of the answers 2016
Poster with all the questions/answers 2015
"Why That Color?" series of lectures about color as a cultural phenomenon.
What affects our color perception and how?
It is based on a series of articles for Munsell Color Blog.
17 May 2016 Chromapost Pigments
14 April 2016 Chromapost Books
Handmade books
10 April 2016 Chromapost Skecthes 2
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with a custom set of Liquitex Basic acrylic paints.
RGB values are approximated with 24 colors.
1 April 2016 7 Years of Chromapost - Colors as shapes
Colors as Shapes.
Translation of colors into shapes is based on their hue, saturation and brightness values.
5 March 2016 Chromapost Translations
Chromapost sequences have been rendered with various media with limited sets of colors.
1 January 2016 Chromapost Year 2015
22 December 2015 Chromapost October 2015 [Transitions]
Transitions between days/colors of October 2015
Oil pastel on paper
31" x 25"
15 November 2015 Chromapost Sketches
Chromapost sketches with various media.
1 October 2015 Chroma Tarot
Each card from Chroma Tarot is one color. The symbology of every card from the Major Arcana suit (22 cards) is derived from various Tarot traditions and sources and then summarized into a single color.
Acrylic on paper
29 September 2015 Chromapost 2 Dec 2013 - 5 Jan 2014
Acrylic paint on wood and canvas
14" x 11" x 6"
5 Septemberl 2015 Chromapost [3 September - 7 October 2013] Leftovers
Six pieces made of the leftover paint from Chromapost [3 September - 7 October, 2013] painting.
24 May 2015 Chromapost [3 September - 7 October 2013]
Chronological sequence of 35 colors.
Acrylic on canvas. 40" x 30"
1 April 2015 Six Years of Chromapost Calendar
1 January 2015 Chromapost Year 2014
28 April 2014 Chromapost December 2013, painting
Chronological sequence of 31 colors from December 2013.
Acrylic on canvas.
1 April 2014 Color = Data
Data visualizations of 5 years of Chromapost.
1 April 2009 - 31 March 2014, 1826 days/colors
1 December 2013 Chromapost Prints, Edition B
40 unique digital prints that accompany each 2nd edition Chromapost Messenger Bag.
14 November 2013 Chromapost Passages (June 2011 / August 2012)
5 dichromatic pieces. Acrylic on paper.
18 September 2013 Chromapost Messenger Bag by Brooklyn Industries
Brooklyn Industries Messenger bags made of vinyl from the Chromapost DUMBO installation.
Buy online or in stores.
16 September 2013 Chromapost Prints, Edition A
40 unique digital prints that accompany each 1st edition Chromapost Messenger Bag.
3 September 2013 Chromapost 3 September 2013
Collaborative artwork created by the visitors of Chromapost Sessions (Act IV) at Mikser House in Belgrade. Every participant could choose one 20/20 cm tile based on their present emotional state (red, yellow or blue).
23 August - 3 September 2013 Chromapost Sessions at Mikser House in Belgrade
A series of lectures about color as a cultural phenomenon.
What affects our color perception and how?
5 May 2013 Chromapost August 2012 painting
31 canvases with August 2012 colors and arranged according to the 2012 calendar.
Acrylic on canvas. 40/28 in. Single canvas 4/4 in.
2 April 2013 4 Year Anniversary Poster
Chronological sequence of 1461 colors, 1 April 2009 - 31 March.
poster page
26 April 2012 ChromaTweet June 2011 painting
Acryilic on canvas. 24" x 24"
1 January 2012 ChromaTweet 2011 Calendar
Version 1: month by month. Version 2: week by week.
26 December 2011 ChromaTweet One Thousand, online sheet
One thousand Chromatweets. Each day/color = 1px.
23 September 2011 ChromaTweet Outdoor Print in Dumbo
photo: Colin Erickson
photo: Biljana Ustić
Two years worth of ChromaTweets (1 April 2009 - 31 March 2011) in the form of a 300 ft long outdoor print as a part of the Dumbo Arts Festival. Presented by ArtBridge.
20 April 2011 ChromaTweet Sound
The annual (1 April 2010 - 31 March 2011) Chromatweet map prepared for the Art Bridge show about sound in Empire Records offices.
A vinyl record shape representing my daily mood affected by music. Every line/groove stands for one day.
The work is selected for the exhibition, but the show was unfortunately cancelled.
Online exhibition.
1 January 2011 2010 in ChromaTweets, online sheet
2010 in ChromaTweets. Online sheet. Each chromatweet 1 px.
25 May 2010ChromaTweet at Mikser EXPO
photo: Dragan Mileusnić
ChromaTweet annual sheet at Mikser Expo exhibition (KVART magazine selection).
1 April 2010The First Annual Sheet
The 1st year of ChromaTweet. Online sheet.
25 February 2010ChromaTweet Sampler
Analog ChromaTweet sampler. Acrylic paint on 5x5 cm canvas.
25 August 2009A Feature in KVART Magazine